Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Late Entries

We have a late entry:
1. Childhood Moments


James and Summer said...

I just read over your list again - Baby blossom - how about 'pink blossom', or just choose your fav. flower - lavender blossom, or pink lilly(s), sunflower, sweet jasmine, pink jasmine, baby jasmine, etc. spring blossom, sweet blossom, apple blossom, the cherry tree, on another thought sequence: Lola, fresh squeezed lemonade, summer fairies, summer fireflies, sweet lemonade, - anyway - good luck!!!

James and Summer said...

sorry - I can't help myself - I just noticed your photographers web site - red wagon - and I read over your list again - Child's play is cute - but what about something from everyone's childhood - like 'bubblegum ice cream', sand castles, the sand box, pink swings, merry go round, carousel, the pink carousel, - okay I am really done this time - I think. ;)